[:nb]Den 7. november gikk Norsk Ståldag 2016 av stabelen og Pretec var representert med stand hvor vi for første gang viste frem stålklammer fra Lindapter i tillegg til strekkstag og hollobolter.
Med rekordmange deltakere var det en stor mulighet for oss å treffe nye og gamle bekjente samtidig som vi fikk høre mange gode foredrag om stålindustrien i Norge og Europa i løpet av dagen.
Pretec ble også omtalt i artikkelen bygg.no skrev om ståldagen. Les artikkelen her.
[:en]The Norwegian Steel Day 2016 was held the 7th of November and we attended with a stand where we for the first time in Norway showed off the Girder Clamps from Lindapter, in addition to tension rods and hollobolts.
With a record attendance for the conference, it was a good opportunity for us to meet and shake hands with old and new acquaintances. We learned alot about the steel industry in Norway and Europe during the day and we are looking forward to attending next year.
Pretec was also featured in the article written by bygg.no after the Norwegian Steel Day. You can read the article in norwegian here.[:]